
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Azolla cultivation

Bihar's Cooperative Miniater Giriraj Singh and Animal Husbandry Minister Ram Narayan Mandal handing over Azolla plant to Patna Dairy Project chairman Rajendra Prasad Singh in Patna on June 4, 2009. Azolla, a high protein micro-mineral rich algae, helps increase milk yield by 20 to 25 per cent. Azolla will be good replacement of green fodder for cattle. Out of the total fodder requirement of 5 lakh kh per day in Bihar, green fodder cultivation is just 2.10 lakh kg or just 42 per cent.
Photo: Aftab Alam Siddiqui


  1. hello sir,
    I am Akhilesh kumar an agriculture graduate from Allahabad Agriculture Institute. At present perusing Master in Social Entrepreneurship from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
    I have successfully done three month pilot project on "Azolla as cattle feed" in Patna district of Bihar. for more information please visit :

  2. Dear Sir,
    I work for a grass root NGO in Chamoli Garhwal. I tried Azola in our village few years back. The problem is the Aquatic Fern dies in winter and I lost my stock as I was not aware. Is there any source in nearby Uttarakhand from where i can get the Azola for our nursery.
    Kindly help.
