
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Woman killed as builder's men open fire on mob

One woman was killed and four other injured when armed men of a construction company owner opened fire on local residents, who were protesting the builder's bid to grab a piece of land at Siddharth Nagar Colony near Jagdeo Path under Airport police station in Patna on April 5, 2011. Agitated over the incident of firing, local residents blocked the busy Bailey Road disrupting the normal flow of traffic for more than five hours. They also set ablaze two vehicles at the disputed site. Locals claimed that they had been using the plot as burial ground for the past several years.
Photo: Aftab Alam Siddiqui

1 comment:

  1. with regard to jagdeo path mushari incident. i am totaly schoked about
    what had happened but there are some basic question which was neither
    investigated nor any news channel are showing any interest to investigate
    in this regard. first thing what was the circumstances in which people
    doing the cunstruction work started firing at mushar is there life was in
    danger since i live in near by the site. there was some conflict going
    for the last two days before this incident took place and on first day
    mushar 15 in number come and started fighting even the people doing
    the construction work tried to have a talk with them and asked for the
    paper that sopport there claim but mushar didnt even bother to listen to them
    mushar out numbered them and looted the equipment at site and run away with
    cement and what so ever they can carry. second day builders people had come
    with police and started the work and it was peaceful mushar come and when
    police asked them about the land paper they didnot show any paper and again
    tried to loot but this time they didnt manage to do this since police was there
    and some aditional builders people was there. on third day work was in progress
    at site and police was also present at site. suddenly a mob of about 60 mushaar
    women and men with stick and knife in hand come shouting and statred throwing
    brick at people and police even police tried to have a talk with them but they
    were uncontroled and started burning the vechicle parked near by and attacked
    builders people after this i closed my window and only thing i can hear was some
    bullet fired sound. and then shortly after this it was all live on news chaannel.
    but the question is if my life is in danger and if i have a gun with me will i use it.
    if no then i will get killed and if yes someone else will get killed. this all is
    subject matter of investigation but what was shown in news channel was just a one side
    story what had happened after the bullet was fired. and on land issue who is the real
    tilte holder of this land this land was used for farming crops like bhutta and arhardal
    was grown on this about 5 year back and even mushar used to come and burried there
    dead bodies at this land and ther was some minor fight with farmer and mushar on this
    issue from long time but it was not at this level. it is a subject matter of
    investigation who the real owner on this land and if they had given this land for
    cunstruction purpose they must have the title for this land.
