
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Akhil Bharatiya Dangi Kshatriya Sangh holds dharna

Bihar unit of Akhil Bharatiya Dangi Kshatriya Sangh staged a day-long dharna at R-Bock in Patna on April 3, 2012 in support of their demands.
Photo: Aftab Alam Siddiqui


  1. Dear Dangi bhai-bandhu,
    Being an office bearer oj Bhartiya Dangi Sangha, Jamshedpur, I want to convey only following points:
    Develop the personality and leadership quality in your youth. Why, today on the date there is very few IAS, IPS, MLA, MP or MLC are there in your society. The only thin is min-mindedness. If you are literate and sitting on the uppermost post of the society then please think to make your child an administrator or bureaucrat rather than making a technocrat. If someone is willing to come forward to lead then don't supress him. You recognize his capacity and utilize his enthusiasm. You look your own blood in the candidate rather than competing with him. If you won't do like that then you will become more backward and your society will be counted in inferior one.For example you take any professional, what is his ultimate goal. Whether it is a filmy actor/actress or a administrative officer or a big businessman each and every one tries to come lastly in politics., why? Because the politics will strengthen your coming generation and will provide you a greater height in society. It was only the youth power that make congress party great. It was Rajiv Gandhi that added so many values in the living standard of countryman as well as united his party itself. He taken Indian youth power to the front for development of country. See there are inherent properties resides in youth. They think differently rather than traditionally. They brings innovation in social development.n With these sentences, I'm not saying that the old persons are waste in the society. They are equally important and can support the youth but the leadership must be given to the young-one if you want some new thins to happen.
