
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Akhil Bharatiya Kayastha Mahasabha

Office-bearers of Akhil Bharatiya Kayastha Mahasabha address a press conference in Patna on September 2, 2009.
Photo: Aftab Alam Siddiqui

1 comment:

    Very good day.

    Highly respected Lord. I stand before you and the group leader, my name is Edwin Wilfredo Lopez Pulido.
    I was born in Motavita, Boyacá, Colombia (South America). I have 30 years. For 16 years I've been knowing about Vedic Science and Sanatana Dharma in India. I know of several teachers, but formally follow the teachings of Sri Aurobindo. Always my sincere and ardent desire has been to serve Mother India, in every way possible. Actually there are many things to do in this country and the different Indian communities around the world. I have also carefully studied the diversity of groups working for this great cause, ideal, and certainly your organization happens to be one of the best. You embody everything that I aspire to find an organization that serves well to Mother India. I congratulate you sincerely.
    I am writing because I recently developed a comprehensive plan that aims to "unite all the Indians around a common cause: to take the best of India to the world and bring the best in the world to India." The name of this Plan is: "India, global Vedic Nation" and consists of 18 large projects. This will be funded entirely by Mr. Gerardo de la Torre, a Spanish billionaire who, like me, communion with Indian nationalism, but from a spiritual perspective given by Sri Aurobindo. This person has created an organization, "the Second Foundation (Earth)", to spread the Vedic supreme ideal of life and the profound teachings of Sri Aurobindo in the West.

    To give a first good step approach ... the idea here submit to you, is to be allowed to speak through Skype, a delegate in London that you see fit to send on your behalf, or if applicable, with you directly, in order to provide a full explanation of the plan I have drawn, and if this really that interesting, useful and feasible, then consider that a select committee of your organization in London travel to Madrid (Spain) meet directly at a desk, me and the director of the "Second Foundation". Established a negotiating table with the most qualified translators ... will discuss possible ways in which both organizations could mutually colaborarse together to work (together) in the realization of the common cause that unites us, taking to the occasion, as a reference the plan: "India: Global Vedic nation"

    If things go well, you would work in India giving us guidance, advice, support and spaces that they deem appropriate to carry out this great work. Spanish Foundation that I represent, will provide all necessary monetary resources.

    I'm sure this case will be of interest and its directors in London that song before we may contact in order to reach a happy agreement.

    Thanks for your support and kind attention.

