Photo: Aftab Alam Siddiqui
"View Patna" is a captivating news photo blog that offers a unique glimpse into the vibrant city of Patna, India. Through a carefully curated collection of striking images, this blog captures the essence of daily life, cultural events, and significant happenings in Patna. From bustling markets and colorful festivals to serene riverbanks and historic landmarks, each photograph tells a compelling story, inviting viewers to explore the rich tapestry of this dynamic city.
This development is very unfortunate. Biahr Govt should concentrate more on constructive way of development to earn money ,such as constrution of Power Plants , development of Agro based industries etc.It is to be noted that Khas Mahal land is permannet settlement by all purpose , where residential houses have been constructed 60-70 years ago. No amandement of rules can take away such Fundmsntal Right, and for what purpose? These Land Settlement was made with certain philisophy to settle certian people , considering their contribution to society. Now present Govt , in case, wants to hand over same land to Hotel Builders, Aaprtment builders,or new class of people, who invriably have dubious back ground , is shocking.Considering aforesiad facts , it is suggetsted that Govt should not take decsion in arrogance of majority , but remain rational and review thier decison.
ReplyDeleteWhy Not? People are doing his own business on Govt land. 99% of the land has already been sold by the original allottee, hardly any Original allottee/family are living. So every buyer should understand the land's right from whom he/she had purchased the property. Khas Maha land is Public land, it should not free hold/allotted to any individual. The Govt. should take strict action to get right value of the land as per the market rate, the Govt should protect the public land.
DeleteThe policy of Bihar Govt on khas mahal is irrational. Firstly it allowed land allotted to be sold registration done through its offices and its offices passed irrational maps on which houses has been constructed leading to full scale commercialisation of the area. Now the Govt is taking undue advantage of the anarchy which has prevailed in khas mahal area. The Govt seems least interested in taking control of those area which are perfectly encroached area by any means, in lieu it wants the peace loving peaceful inhabitants of khas mahal to turn revolutionaries.Remind you khas mahal has a congress maidan by its side.NOW THE ONLY STEP FOR A BETTER TOMORROW IS "FREEHOLD"
DeleteThe policy goes against the poor low middleclass lessees Who dont have any resources to pay the salami or the irrationally and arbitrarily determined annual rent which is thousand times more than the present rate Such arbitrary decision is a ploy to uproot poor Kadam Kuan residents from their house property built by their forefathers They have nowhere to go as in these times they simply havent got the resources to buy new property So the salami and lease rent should be rational And most important some of the lease holders who due to increase in the number of family members have added some rooms to their property Govt should viewtheir case sympathetically so that they are not uprooted from the house their forefathers built with their hard earned money